May 15, 2009

My Girls

Cymoni got all dressed up for that special end of the year 9th grade dance. She looked stunning! I grabbed my camera and couldn't resist taking a few clicks. Earlier Camiah, who thinks she is a professional model, gave me some quick poses just for fun.


PartyOfFour said...

Your little ladies are beautiful!

Cori Henderson said...

I agree, so cute! Did Cymoni cut her hair or is it just layered? Its cute.

Camille said...

Ah, I trimmed her hair. She talked me into it and that little trim, by accident, ended up being 5-7 inches. I told her not to ask me again. I think i'll stick to photography. It still looks pretty but she was freakin' out.

Laura said...

How cute are these girls. Love the pictures. Need your action recipe. Love um.

Camille said...

I actually didn't use a single action on any of these.