August 14, 2009

Utah Children's Photographer - TANNER

Congratulations Tanner! This handsome boy recently turned 8 and was baptized! It started raining right before our outdoor shoot and so we took some studio shots. We decided to get up really early the next morning before the sunrise to get our outdoor shots. He was such a great sport to get up so early and let me click away at him, again & again. I was even lucky enough to get some shots with him and his beautiful mom. I can't even believe how beautiful Amy, Tanner's mom, looks so bright and early in the morning. Of course she could pass for a 20 year old.


Laura said...

Wow Camille. . . .All I can say is Wow. These are terrific! Your exposures are perfect. Very very nice.

Cori Henderson said...

Those pictures look so good! How cute is Tanner?! I love those pictures.

HappyHodges said...

What a little cutie! I love them all great job!

PartyOfFour said...

She is beautiful and he is a handsome young man! I love the variety of poses and the candid feel of some of them. Nice work, Amy will be so excited!

kate moss said...

Those turned out so cute. I love how you storybooked them. Great work!

Teara Taylor said...

I love these shots. They all look incredible . Great job.

Amy said...

Camille, I am so excited to see these! You have such a talented, artistic eye. Thank you soooo much!I can't wait to have Tanner see these! OK, so I am back from NYC and will be here for the rest of Thurs. before heading back to WY. Give me a call on my cell when you get a chance.


Tiff said...

I love his hats. And the location. Worth getting up early for. Super cute.